Cat of the Day

October 3, 1998

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Nermal, the Cat of the Day
Name: Nermal
Age: Six years old
Gender: Male
Breed: Red Mackeral,
British Shorthair, Tabby
Home: Ohio, USA
   My cat is very special to me for many reasons, but he is also very special for many of his physical features. To begin with, he is not your average Tabby cat. He has seven toes on each foot instead of six. This is incredibly rare, I guess you could say that Nermal is the "Tabby" of Tabby cats. Aside from his extreme physical features, Nermal has a very kind and loving personality. He will let anyone hold him, and he can't stand it unless he is the center of attention. He is obedient - when you clap your hands twice and say "go to beddies" he will go immediately to his special bed downstairs.

    Nermal is very independent, but he can do one trick, and that is if you dangle fresh (only fresh) turkey above him, he will climb up your leg to get to it. Nermal loves jumping on all of our house guest laps when they least expect it. He takes us for granted, and never seems to think that we own him, rather that he owns us. Likewise, our family seems to revolve around him. We are constantly buying him little treats and other goodies to spoil him.

    My main reason for nominating Nermal, is that, well, he is one of my best friends. Yes, we give him a lot, but he gives back. He gives me companionship that no human can offer, and puts up with more than most cats would (ie: The antlers at Christmas Time.) He is the center of attention at our house, but in return, he is very willing to let us cuddle and hold him, even if he doesn't want to be held or cuddled.

    Recently I participated in a Creative Writing contest at Ashland University, and the subject was to choose who we felt should be president, and write about it. Naturally, I chose my cat. Nermal is truly the best of all pets, and every day when I hold him, I feel glad that we found him at our neighbor's house, as they were going to probably put him in Animal Shelter if they couldn't find a home soon for him. Little did they know, that someday that kitten they didn't know what to do with, would become my best friend.

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