Cat of the Day

April 3, 1999

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Motor, the Cat of the Day
Name: Motor
Age: Five years old
Gender: Male
Breed: Domestic Short Hair
Home: Indiana, USA
   I got Motor at a pet shop when he was ten weeks old. After about three days, I said to him "Your motor runs all the time!" And that's when I decided to name him Motor. He's a big male, fifteen pounds, and he's definitely a Tom Cat. When he goes ripping from one end of the house to the other, you know it! He only wants affection when he says so and is not a lap cat. He loves to bird watch, and usually doesn't have much to say, unless it's time to eat. My favorite part of the day with Motor is when I go to bed, he crawls up on me, starts "making biscuits," and purrs like crazy while I pet him. It's so sweet! Motor would like to wish you a very happy day and say thanks for stopping in to see him.

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