Cat of the Day

February 20, 1999

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Dexter, the Cat of the Day
Name: Dexter
Age: One year old
Gender: Male
Breed: Alley cat
Home: Texas, USA
   Dexter is at times like any other cat, but at other times, his own unique personality shows itself. We found him at Operation Kindness when he was only six weeks old, he had just been weaned. He was supposed to be my parents' cat, but when they brought him home, it was like a magnet drew us together from the first moment we saw each other.

    Like many cats, he can be very stubborn - he will do what he wants no matter what any of us have to say about it. His pet peeve is closed doors. Any door that is closed, he will try and try until he finds some way to open it, see what is so important that the door had to be closed and then will be content to go off and investigate something else. When he was younger, I could not go to the bathroom and close the door--he would sit outside and howl (he sounded like a dog!) until I came out. Once, by mistake, he was shut up in my bedroom. When I finally realized that he was in there, I opened the door to let him out. Instead of hurrying out like he apparently wanted to, he sat there, looked at me, chewed me out for two minutes, then calmly walked out of the room.

    He's the first cat I've ever had with real attitude. A better name for him might have been Nut--he sometimes seems to be a little bit psycho. In the mornings, while I am barely able to move I'm so tired, Dex is streaking back and forth from my room to the living room, not minding that he's hitting just about every door or obstacle in his path. He used to do this in the living room, until we got the glass-topped coffee table. He only had to hit it four times before he learned. He also insists on dominating our other cats. He feels for some reason that he must bathe them, but because they can't stand him, he is forced to put them in a headlock to do it. He takes great pleasure in doing this, and nothing can distract him from it.

    But he is not always a holy terror. At night, when I get into bed, the ritual starts. He runs up to me on the bed, waiting for me to stroke his head and behind his ears so he can go to sleep. If I don't do it immediately, he sits down and reaches for my hand, drawing it up to his head so I'll get the hint. And when I'm working at the computer, he absolutely must sit in my lap the entire time - it really doesn't matter if my legs go to sleep, that's unimportant. I've had more laughs from Dexter than any other cat we've had, and at times he can be the sweetest too. The Dexter experience is definitely different from any other cat experience!

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