Cat of the Day

February 27, 1999

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Rowdy, the Cat of the Day
Name: Rowdy
Age: Ten years old
Gender: Male
Breed: Ocicat
Home: Arkansas, USA
   Several years ago, I picked up a pet-taxi at Delta Airlines in Memphis with a Mother's Day present inside. After arriving home, I carefully set the pet carrier on the floor and slowly opened the door. The strangest kitten I'd ever seen came bouncing out. Immediately it began to play! He grabbed the laces on my shoes and swatted them about. He chased his tail. He ran and slid on top a pile of newspapers. Then he pawed underneath them, as if he were looking to find something. He rattled the papers and then he jumped in the air and rolled on landing. He acted like he'd lived in our house all his life. I said, "You sure are rowdy!" And so the name stuck!

    Rowdy resembles a jungle cat with spots. He looks wild, but there's not one wild bone in his body. His spots look like chocolate thumb prints. His fur is as soft as velvet. These animals are fast, and good jumpers. They are loving, gentle, and very smart. Rowdy had a show career and was a Champion. He is neutered (sorry, ladies) and has lived indoors all his life. He never meets a stranger, human or otherwise. Once he allowed an orphan kitten to nurse him for its' comfort.

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