Cat of the Day

January 6, 1999

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Prissy, the Cat of the Day
Name: Prissy
Age: Three and a half years old
Gender: Female
Breed: Russian Blue
Home: McKeesport, Pennsylvania, USA
   I'm a Russian Blue, named Prissy and I am three and a half years old. When Mom got me, she was very specific as of what she wanted. When she went to the local Human Society, Mom wanted a short-haired, solid colored, female kitten and I fit the bill to a tee. My home is McKeesport, Pennsylvania, but right now I am in Naples, Florida with my Mom & Dad, until May 1999. They are what people call snow birds.

    This is my first time to Florida, but I loves it, I look out the all the windows in the RV and love to hear all the sounds of nature in the RV park, but, the bedroom window is my favorite spot because I can lay on the bed and watch the birds in the back yard and in the bird feeder and they don't know I'm there. I just have to figure out a way to get out there and get those critters.

    I have a little brother (a Turkish Van Cat) who is six months old named "Bugsy" and I am still am not to fond of him. He has invaded my territory to much. But some times I like to play with him and chase him around the trailer and hide from him, then I jump out at him and he runs.

    When I live in Pennsylvania, I go to Lake Erie for the week ends, and spend time on our cabin cruiser and chase dragonflies and spiders, and occasionally catches a dragonfly and love to eat them, their wings are so nice and crunchy. I sometimes get the small spiders too, they taste better than the big ones. I've been trying to teach Bugsy to be as smart as me, but he has a long way to go. Dad keeps saying that for a cat I'm really pretty smart. I've lost a little weight since Bugsy came to live with us, I guess with all that running around, chasing Bugs helps my girlish figure.

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