Cat of the Day

January 27, 1999

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Cocktail, the Cat of the Day
Name: Cocktail
Age: Two years old
Gender: Male
Breed: Persian
Home: Quebec, Canada
   This is Cocktail... he's a Flat-nose (Persian) of two years old and he lives in Quebec, Canada. Cocktail is a watch-cat. When a thief comes into his house, he pulls the thief to pieces into small crumbs, but he never really does damage. He piles up all the pieces of the thief, and when we come home, we just pick up the pile and we put it in a garbage. But he begins to show fear when he sees a spider, like you can see in the picture, Cocktail stays in a corner and watches the spider.

    The rest of the time, Cocktail likes to watch his plate to see if we put some food in. He doesn't like to go outdoors. He stays at home all the time and sleeps all the time with just one eye closed - the other is open to make sure no spider comes near him.

    Finally, Cocktail wants to say something: MIAOU!!!!

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