Cat of the Day

May 24, 1999

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BooBoo, the Cat of the Day
Name: BooBoo
Age: Two and a half years old
Gender: Female
Breed: Cat
Home: Middletown, New Jersey, USA
   The story behind Boo Boo Kitty starts about two and a half years ago when I came home from work and found her outside my house eating the stale bread that I left out for the birds. I had always been a dog person, and at the time I had a 125 pound Yellow Labrador named Auggie. Needless to say, I had no idea what cats were all about, but I did know that this one was hungry and cold, as it was late October. The thought of her being out all night almost made me cry, so I grabbed her up and put her in the laundry room. She cried all night, so I snuck downstairs and brought her up to the bedroom with me where she gladly snuggled with me for the night. The next day I brought her to the vet to have her checked out, and left with a clean bill of health, and a good bath. She has been with me ever since. She is pictured her in her favorite bean bag chair that gets very warm in the sun. Amongst the other things she likes to do is eat, sleep and constantly cuddle. Everyone who meets her thinks she is the most lovable cat in the world, and I agree! She is probably very grateful to have a nice safe home with plenty to eat everyday! A word to all those out there who may not have experienced living with a cat, try it and you will always have one.

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