Cat of the Day

October 30, 1999

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Yogi, the Cat of the Day
Name: Yogi
Age: Deceased, Ten years old
Gender: Male
Breed: Tabby
Home: Texas, USA
   This is Yogi Bear. He was about six years old in this picture (he's been in Kitty heaven for a year now after giving us joy for ten years). Yogi was a male kitty weighing at times 25 pounds. Yogi's breed is loving! He was brought home from the humane society in Irving, Texas (he weighed just a few ounces and fit in the palm of your hand) - we had to teach him how to eat (he learned well).

    This picture was taken as we returned from Orlando, Florida. He was very happy to see us. We miss him very much now. He and his friend Boo Boo use to romp around the house with their little friend Cindy Bear (she was a miniature Dachshund). Yogi and Cindy died about two weeks apart and Boo Boo is now the king of the castle. One of Yogi's favorite pastimes was playing Volleyball with his human person. Volleyball meant wadding up a small piece of paper and throwing it up in the air toward Yogi; who in turn would bat it back at you. He also enjoyed "yowling" loudly through the house in the middle of the night looking for Boo Boo who was hiding from him.

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