Cat of the Day

June 3, 2000

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Random, the Cat of the Day
Name: Random
Age: One year old
Gender: Male
Kind: Siamese, Balinese Mix
Home: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
   Random is the friendliest cat I've ever heard of. He has none of the usual shyness about strangers, and will run up to a new guest, climb them, and start yelling in their ear. One poor fellow (someone's new boyfriend) didn't even have a chance to comprehend my warning when Random flew into the room and stuck his tongue in his mouth! Random likes people so much that he has removed the hinge pins from a door used to bar him from the basement when I was having a party there, pulled the door open and came romping downstairs. It may seem impossible, but I have witnesses! He also has a thing for anything make of rubber or foam rubber, and has cheerfully destroyed pipe insulation, children's toys, and has even pulled insoles out of running shoes. Random licks hands the way a dog will, and anyone petting him has to be prepared for a constant rasping of his little pink tongue. The hard part, though, is when he wants to lick your face! That can get painful. I've never had a dull moment since he adopted me.

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