Cat of the Day

March 25, 2000

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Bon, the Cat of the Day
Name: Bon
Age: Thirteen and a half years old
Gender: Male
Kind: Cat
Home: New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
   Hello! My name is Bon, not Bond. I'm the black cat of Louisiana. I was born near the Moisan Airport and grew up looking up the big birds flying over me. There was a lop-eared small dog in the house but no other cats. I always followed her believing she was my mother. Then, long before my first birthday, I was adopted (for ten bucks!) by a woman artist living in New Orleans and became an urban cat, no more under the shadow of thunderous birds - good environments for self-education. Besides, for the first time I had a chance to taste real fish - every time her husband goes fishing, I get fresh tender meat of reds or speckles or, well, catfish. But here is a catch. She likes to make me pose for her paintings. Most of times I just take natural poses like a cat in sound sleep (or so I pretend) or a cat watching visiting squirrels with my pupils wide open. This is no sweat. I enjoy conversations with her. We don't speak same language, but that's no problem. We understand each other perfectly. So I feel like an old European nobleman having an in-house portrait artist. My portraits have been exhibited in New Orleans, Baton Rouge and New York City. One was even shown on TV. A week after I started sitting in the New York gallery, I saw through the window a Blue Dog flag posted in front of another gallery a block away. Well, I am proud I was the first coming to this world capital of art. I know New Orleans has turned out a couple of four-legged celebrities like Blue Dog and Red Cat. New Orleans is known to have a big heart and I have no doubt in my mind that it can handle one more---Bon the black cat of Louisiana. By the way, my artist told me that one of the characters in a novel by William Faulkner, a New Orleans-related writer, has the name of Mr. Charles Bon and that the great-grandson of Lafcadio Hearn, another New Orleans-related famous writer, was named Bon. I guess my name tells you I am a native New Orleans gentleman. (I'm also trying to behave bon (good).)

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