Cat of the Day

August 30, 2001

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M.C.C., the Cat of the Day
Name: M.C.C.
Age: Ten years old
Gender: Male
Kind: Maine Coon
Home: New York, New York, USA
   This is M.C.C. (Maine Coon Cat) aka Sunshine, my brilliant orange ball of light and love. When he wants me to pet him he pets me with his oversized paw. He's careful to keep his claws in. With a couple of jerked tilts of his head he twists onto his back for his stomach to be rubbed. When I'm sleeping he taps me on my face until I wake up to pet him. He definitely prefers love and affection to food.

    Because of his exquisite beauty one would expect to hear the sonorous roar of a lion but most of the time he can't meow, he just opens his mouth and nothing comes out. When he does manage to get a noise out it's a repetition of high pitched squeaky noises like he's trying to speak to me. We have lengthy conversations. I sometimes catch him talking to himself in the bathroom mirror above the sink. He stands on the rim of the sink and lifts himself up to see "the other room" that he thinks he can go through to.

    He enjoys a friendly boxing match and a nice game of chase with his twin brother, Bullit. M.C.C. usually wins because he's a little bigger. During the boxing matches they both balance on their hind legs for an impressive amount of time. Most of the time, no one gets hurt. M.C.C. is the most beautiful and loving cat in the world and I can't imagine life without him or his brother.

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