Cat of the Day

January 21, 2001

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BooBoo, the Cat of the Day
Name: BooBoo
Age: Fifteen years old
Gender: Male
Kind: Cat
Home: Milton, Florida, USA
   My cat's name is BooBoo, or Boobers is what most of us call him. What makes BooBoo so special is that he is all around a very smart and strong-willed cat. He was rescued as a kitten from under a mobile home where he had been abandoned along with his siblings. He came to us when I was only ten, and he became my Best Friend. He acquired his name because when he was a kitten, I would hide behind doors and he would find me and I would say "Boo." Growing up he truly helped through all the tough teenage years, because he loved me no matter what.

    When he was twelve years old, he came very close to death. He contracted hepatitis and diabetes. Every one worried that he wouldn't make it and our Veterinarian even had to perform CPR twice on him to bring him back. My Grandmother told us to force as much Catnip tea down his throat that we could to get rid of the hepatitis and it worked (something our Vet had never seen before) He is now very healthy and his Diabetes is currently being controlled by his diet. As you can see by his picture, he doesn't look like a fifteen-year-old cat!

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