Cat of the Day

October 20, 2001

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Prissy, the Cat of the Day
Name: Prissy
Age: Two years old
Gender: Female
Kind: Domestic Shorthair
Home: Lakeland, Georgia, USA
   Prissy found us when she was just a small kitten, she just walked up into our backyard and acted like she belonged there. She is a rather large kitty now, she weights around fifteen pounds. She is very friendly and loves to be talked to and petted. When she is cold she will get on the stove and sleep to warm herself up. She normally has gorgeous blue eyes, but most pictures we take her eyes turn out red. She has a short stubby tail and when she runs she is so fat that she bounces like a rabbit. Prissy has one feline brother (Rambo), and four feline sisters (Maggie, Sadie, Buttercup, Jellybean). Prissy is a very special kitty to us.

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