Cat of the Day

April 18, 2002

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FiFi, the Cat of the Day
Name: FiFi
Age: Five years old
Gender: Female
Kind: Cat
Home: Tel Aviv, Israel
   Why is Fifi so special? We've had her since she was born. Her mother (who was nobody's cat) gave birth to her and her sister in our porch. Right then, I decided to adopt one of the kittens, and Fifi was the more friendly one. When we left the apartment, we took her with us. That was a tough job, because she hates travelling, and she sensed something bad is happening. Unlike travelling, she likes playing with rubber bands (she jumps really high in the air while playing with them), modeling (this is just one of her many photos) and sleeping on our favorite armchair. We forgive her, because she's a part of the family.

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