Cat of the Day

August 14, 2002

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Grasshopper, the Cat of the Day
Name: Grasshopper
Age: Sixteen years old
Gender: Female
Kind: American "Tuxedo" shorthair
Home: San Diego, California, USA
   I met my mom at Campland on the Bay in November of '86, shortly after her dad went on to a better place. Many of my family (generations!) lived there - we dock cats are often referred to as Tuxedos, which is fine, as we are dressed for any occasion. Although I was only three months old, I knew she really needed me, so I convinced her to take me with her. Of course, she will never know my true cat name, but Grasshopper Magicat Shadowcat does come quite close.

    I am a purr therapist. I spent a great deal of time as her therapist, pillow, stabilizer and friend. I finally decided on a dad (probably because he and I share the same birthday - Leo is an excellent sign for a cat, don't you think?) and we have been a family for over 14 years now. He took a little more training, but he is an excellent vet and always tends to my health needs, so I don't mind if he isn't quite as fuzzy as she is. And he responds well to purr therapy, also. (And at times he really needs it!)

    I have been well cared for, and find myself drawn into following them around when they are at home, as they have such wonderful smells! I especially love those leather things they put on their feet, after they have padded around in them for a while - they smell soooo good when they take them off, I prefer to roll in them more than catnip! Sigh! What's a cat to do?

    They make great sitting and sleeping companions, but I do have to be careful when they roll over in our bed. Mrrrowch! However, they have been well trained to scoot over in their chairs and allow me to stretch out next to them when they look at pages or at the box with the moving images. I can't understand their fascination, but they're humans, so that explains a lot, I suppose.

    Don't let my age fool you, I am still as velvety soft and alert to any unusual doings as ever - I am an excellent watch cat - just don't expect me to do much else! Mom and Dad feed me well and give me lovely places to sit and watch the world. I hope I live a long time, as I don't know what they'd do without me!

    Respectfully, Grasshopper =^.^=

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