Cat of the Day

October 13, 2002

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Mini, the Cat of the Day
Name: Mini
Age: One year old
Gender: Male
Kind: Seal Point Siamese
Home: Sydney, Australia
   Mini came into our lives when I bought a Tonkinese kitten for my partner's Christmas present last year. The breeder also offered to give us a Siamese kitten with a minor heart murmur - at the time the vet said he would live to about ten years of age and stay rather small, hence his name. We decided to give the little guy a break and provide him a loving home.

    A month after bringing the kittens home Mini developed a cough. The vet examination and x-rays showed that his lungs were filling with blood because his heart murmur had quickly developed into a grade five, the most severe category. Without medication, he only had months to live; with medication, perhaps a year. We were referred to a veterinary specialist center for an ultrasound and had the unexpected news that his heart condition was a leaking valve known as PDA and was operable. The problem was the cost (approx $A2,000 on top of the other bills) and we only had days to make a decision as time was running out. We took Mini home and came to the conclusion that the least we could do was give him a chance at life. The vet center also helped out with the cost as the operation is very uncommon.

    The operation in February was successful as you can see from the photo! Since coming home, he has more than doubled in weight and is re-living his kittenhood. His mate Jasmine was also beside herself with surprise and joy when he returned after a week at the surgery. He was so weak when we brought him home, but he managed to escape from his sick room on his first night back, limp down the stairs and make sure his scratching post was still in its proper place. We then carried him back upstairs for recuperation until his wounds healed, much against his will! He is re-living his kittenhood and plays non-stop with his toys and will retrieve them for hours on end, expecting his human parents to throw, throw and keep throwing until he wears himself (and us) out! He is a bit of a fussy eater, but dominates the food bowl whenever BBQ chicken is on the menu. He also enjoys some yoghurt in the mornings but will only eat it from my fingers. He loves playing on the computer, especially walking across the keyboard to hear what sounds he can make from the speakers! We're so glad he's still with us. We love coming home to be greeted by two hyperactive, furry bundles of joy.

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