Cat of the Day

January 15, 2003

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Beuford, the Cat of the Day
Name: Beuford
Age: Five months old
Gender: Male
Kind: Maine Coon Cat
Home: Schenectady, New York, USA
   Beuford T. Puff came to his home at eleven weeks of age as the first cat in the household in many years. His full name is Pawstuctaway Beuford T. Puff, quite a big name, even for such a fluffy kitten! This picture was taken when he was 21 weeks old. His mom had wanted a cat for too long, so by the time Beuford arrived his mom was overflowing with love to give to him. He turned out to be quite a little lover boy for his mom too, so it all worked out. He has the loudest purr of any cat she has ever heard. In fact there's an adorable little squeak in his purr too. Beuford's favorite toy is the dog's tail. He also loves the round tops of milk bottles and tin foil balls. He loves and is loved!

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