Cat of the Day

June 5, 2003

Today's Cat
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Skully, the Cat of the Day
Name: Skully
Age: Six years old
Gender: Female
Kind: Tabby
Home: Naugatuck, Connecticut, USA
   We have had Skully since she was eight weeks old. She was an adorable baby. She slept in my husband's shirt pockets and inside his shirts when she was young. Now she wouldn't even give him the time of the day! :) She follows me everywhere. She sleeps next to me at night especially during the cold weather. She likes to use me as a dough and nibbles on the comforter. She does not like to be held, but loves to be petted, brushed, and have her tummy rubbed. He favorite position is on her back with her legs spread wide apart and her paws up in the air - very un-lady-like. She loves to whack things onto the floor from the dining table.

    Skully is pretty timid. She is usually under the bed when we have guests or when she hears some banging noises from the neighbor's door. She has gotten better. She likes to go out to the balcony every now and then to be nosey. She eats very loudly and tends to turn her head and therefore have pieces of food fall out of her mouth. Another un-lady-like trait. Like her boyfriend, she only likes Fresh Step cat litter. She is not as immaculate, though, when it comes to her toilette business. Bad girl! She loves to talk and will talk back to you when you scold her. She is so cute! Her favorite game is fetching. She even taught that to Teddy. She likes to sit on top of the television set which drives my husband crazy. She is the funniest kitty and does a lot of quirky stuff to make us smile every day. She has brought so much laughter and love to us it has been so wonderful to have her in our lives.

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