Cat of the Day

June 9, 2003

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Tucker, the Cat of the Day
Name: Tucker
Age: Six months old
Gender: Male
Kind: Maine Coon mix
Home: Tennessee, USA
   Tucker is such a special baby boy. He was neutered at the tiny age of only about seven-eight weeks (a requirement at the local shelter) and he had a very hard time when I brought him home. He was a very sick little boy for a few days, and we were very worried about him.

    After a few bad days, however, Tucker perked up and became the most adorable, affectionate, and possibly the most spoiled, of all my cats. Tucker Man loves to climb on my shoulder and give hugs, and when I am standing... and he wants me to hold him... he will look up at me 'til I tell him to "come on" and then he'll jump up into my arms!

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