Cat of the Day

October 24, 2003

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Munchkin, the Cat of the Day
Name: Munchkin
Age: Ten years old
Gender: Female
Kind: Calico
Home: Commack, New York, USA
   Hi - my name is Munchkin. I was brought to my family on a very special day - St. Patrick's Day! I am a beautiful Calico that rules the roost (really), that even Dutchess (my "sister" the Westie dog) knows. I am a kitty with a "tude" and not afraid to say it. I have trained several dogs in the house to prove it. I love my mom especially climbing up on her shoulders to nuzzle in her neck and hair! I am the expert huntress and proudly show my "winnings" with my family, though they don't always appreciate it. I'm a real snuggle bunny, too, even if it doesn't look like it in my picture!!!

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