Cat of the Day

September 21, 2003

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Pepper, the Cat of the Day
Name: Pepper
Age: Deceased, Five years old
Gender: Male
Kind: Domestic Longhair
Home: Santa Clara, California, USA
   I adopted Pepper from Petco through an organization called Care. He was nine weeks old and he bonded with my other cat Storm in just an hour. He was a very sensitive, easygoing, laid back, and somewhat lazy cat. He was also a big mama's boy and weighed seventeen pounds. I almost lost him once last year because he became very sick. He stopped eating and drinking and became very jaundiced. It turned out to be megacolon so now he had to take medicine twice a day for the rest of his life. I then began to appreciate every day that I had with him even more.

    Pepper also lived with another male cat named Sunny. Sunny helped Pepper get his daily exercise by chasing him. I considered Pepper to be one of my children and I loved him very much. He was a real sweetheart.

    This past February, Pepper got very very sick again. Nothing helped, and he wasn't getting any better so he was put to sleep. It was the most difficult thing that I've ever had to do in my life. He was such a sweet, sensitive cat and a real mama's boy. I guess you could call him my gentle giant. I know he's finally pain free and at peace up at Rainbow Bridge. Rest in peace, sweet Pepper

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