Cat of the Day

April 23, 2004

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Stubby, the Cat of the Day
Name: Stubby
Age: Three years old
Gender: Female
Kind: Domestic long hair
Home: Shelbyville, Kentucky, USA
   Hi, my name is Stubby. I got that name because I am a very small little girl and my "Dad" says that I look like I'm walking on stubs! I weigh in at about a whopping six pounds. I'm all fur and personality! I walk on my tip toes like a little ballerina. I look and feel as delicate as any orchid flower petal. So tiny and fragile.

   !! Not !!

    She is a spitfire, live wire, firecracker of a little girl! Meaner than a rattle snake and tougher than nails. All the other cats in the house and in the neighborhood keep their distance when she is about. They have all felt her fury at one time or another and don't want to do it again! She is so tiny and agile that you can't keep her down. Keeping her inside all the time is not an option with this one. She cries and beats the tar out of all the cats in the house until she gets what she wants. She loves to be outside. At dusk she gets on the roof of the house, then up on the chimney. She lays there and waits for the chimney swallows to come roost for the night. All you can see way up in the sky is a tiny ball of fur swatting at birds that are bigger than she is!

    Her "Dad" got the unfortunate task of taking her to the vet when the time came to get her spayed. As soon as he got her out of her carrier she did her famous contortionist routine. She wriggles, twists, and rolls into a tiny ball of fur with claws! It took five people at the vets office to corner and catch her. Needless to say, my husband came home with a torn shirt and bleeding from many places!

    She has a soft spot only for our silly, clown cat Leroy and me. When she is quiet and calm she purrs so loud that her whole body vibrates. She gives wonderful headbutts and tiny mews. We admire her spirit, her independence, and her tenacity. She is our little spitfire and we couldn't love her more!

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