Cat of the Day

January 15, 2004

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Zipper Cat, the Cat of the Day
Name: Zipper Cat
Age: One year, three months old
Gender: Male
Kind: Orange Tabby Cat
Home: USA
   When we went to look at kittens at the adoption center, Zipper Cat chose me. He rubbed all over me as I held him, he kneaded me with his paws, and just purred so loudly! He knew that he was going home with me. Who could say no to such a sweet kitty! Zipper is a very sweet and loving boy. He loves to sleep in bed with us at night. He likes to wake up early and have his breakfast as soon as I get out of bed. He loves his family and we love him dearly. Zipper is very affectionate. He loves both my husband and me. He loves to rub up against our legs. He purrs loud and often. He loves to "talk," especially when he's hungry.

    Zipper has a very unique tail. He uses his tail like a monkey would. He wraps it around everything - especially our legs. When he wraps it around my leg, it feels like he's hugging me with it. He will guide my husband through a dark room at night, by guiding him with his tail. After all, cats can see better in the dark than we can!

    Zipper Cat got his name because he runs everywhere. He would rather run than walk. He runs so very fast that he "zips" through the house - sometimes so fast you can hardly see him. I am so glad that Zipper Cat chose me. He is such a wonderful addition to our family!

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