Cat of the Day

June 16, 2004

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Knuckles, the Cat of the Day
Name: Knuckles
Age: Seven years old
Gender: Female
Kind: Cat
Home: California, USA
   This is my daughter's cat Knuckles. She is so named because of the extra toes on each paw. She was adopted along with her sister Turtle seven years ago. Even though everyone in the house gets to give Knuckles the "Good morning" pat on the rear, it is my daughter that has bonded with the cat in a best friend type of relationship. It is her lap that Knuckles graces nightly.

    While the rest of us will praise her feline beauty as she enters the room in hopes of an elusive walk-by, my daughter will just call her once by one of her many nick names and that ensures a leap on the lap and a squeak of recognition. They are inseparable. They go to sleep together at night and fumble downstairs together in the morning. Napping on the couch is like a team sport, and Knuckles always approves of the schoolwork by sitting on the papers.

    While she is a house cat, she does get the occasional reprieve of being supervised on the back patio where she can roll in the warm rays of the sun until contented, dine on fine grasses and hunt the wild garden insects.

    I can think of no better companion than Knuckles. A true friend.

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