Cat of the Day

September 30, 2004

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Buddy, the Cat of the Day
Name: Buddy
Age: Five years old
Gender: Male
Kind: Tuxedo cat
Home: East Haddam, Connecticut, USA
   One day, I was outside and I saw a very elegant cat slinking around in my yard. He continued to come and it soon became apparent that he didn't have a home. I began to leave some dry food out for him and gradually, he was my very own.

    Now Buddy is an indoor/outdoor cat. Buddy is a very funny cat. For one thing, when he feels that we are being too slow at dinner time, he opens the cabinet where his food is kept to get our attention, and to point out that there his food is. Also, Buddy tends to get lonely at night and decides to wake us up with one of his many tricks. He may lightly paw at our faces, sit on top of us, or even turn on the radio. Buddy is a family-oriented cat and a welcome addition to our family. And he chose us!

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