Cat of the Day

March 6, 2005

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Che, the Cat of the Day
Name: Che
Age: Five years old
Gender: Male
Kind: Cat
Home: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
   Che is named after the Cuban revolutionary Ernesto "Che" Guevara, for no other reason that it was short and fun to say. He is a five years old domestic short hair, and an adoptee of the SPCA. He was so shy at first, afraid of everything from the front door to the water running out of the tap. He has come a long long way since that day. Now he is never home for long, always out roaming the yard and he loves to hang out under the front porch. He must think it is his private cave to spy on the other cats.

    He uses his paws as if they were hands. I swear if he had a thumb he would open the front door. We joke that we will be giving him a key soon of his own. We have a summer cottage, and that is his heaven. He's quite the mouser and always teasing the ducks on the lake. They must know he can't get them so it is fun to watch the action.

    Che has never been a lap cat, but with my husband things are different. They have a special bond that make me smile, as I know how scared and terrified he was for a long time of everything. Now I know he feels safe and loved.

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