Cat of the Day

May 24, 2005

Today's Cat
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Toby, the Cat of the Day
Name: Toby
Age: Nineteen months old
Gender: Male
Kind: Orange tabby
Home: Snow Hill, Maryland, USA
   Our Toby is our big boy. He lives with his human mommy, daddy, and sister. He is one of three of our "perfect kitties" that are our indoor companions. We got Toby in October of 2003 from the local cat sanctuary. We love his squinty green eyes. He is very quiet, but he is very gentle as well. We love his little noises when he jumps on furniture and especially look forward to his morning cuddles. He will lie in our arms like a big baby and when you kiss him he makes the cutest little grunting noise!

    I can't wait to come home to greet Toby and his kitty brother and sister. He stands at the storm door and "swims" with his front paws to try to get to you. Our lives have been richly rewarded by having adopted him into our family.

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