Cat of the Day

May 4, 2006

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Bert, the Cat of the Day
Name: Bert
Age: Three years old
Gender: Male
Kind: Ginger tabby and white
Home: Queensland, Australia
   Bert was one of the lucky participants of a food trial conducted by some vets and vet PhD students who were aiming to find the relationship between certain foods and the occurrence of Type II Diabetes in cats. Bert's lucky because he used to be a pound cat. Like most pound animals, unless they're adopted before a certain date, they're euthanized. The trial was, literally, his second chance in life. All the cats that partook in the trial have been re-homed; most of them, being adopted by the clinic vets or vet students like me.

    Before the trial started, I used to go to the cat ward- where all the cats up for adoption are kept- and played with the cats every spare second I had. I would visit them before class, during every break and after classes finished each day. In no time, I knew every cat by name, nature, feeding & toileting habits except for one- Bert. He would always hide in a cardboard box between the wall and the cages and stay there for the whole day. After two weeks of unsuccessful coaxing, I decided to give up.

    One day, during one of my routine visits I heard this mouse-like squeak as I walked through the door. I thought I was hearing things so I continued walking and sat down on the ground for the cats to jump onto my lap. After ten minutes or so, I saw this little head poke out from behind the cages. His pupils were so dilated and I could see his front legs shaking. He took little steps, slowly, tip-toeing around the other cats and went right up to my out-stretched fingers. He took one sniff and licked my middle finger. He then looked back up into my eyes and did a shy little mouse-squeak.

   I was done for it. I fell in love.

    Since that day, whenever I was near the cat ward (or return home - now that he has came home with me), he would do his never ending "meow" (singular). He would meow until he runs out of breath then take a short breath and then resumes again. He can't jump without sliding off the edge of the table; he gets tangled in his own jumper; he can't meow like a normal cat to save his life and has no idea that he's supposed to lick his own paws, but I love him.

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