Cat of the Day

October 2, 2006

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Siti, the Cat of the Day
Name: Siti
Age: One year old
Gender: Female
Kind: Sphynx
Home: Bridgend, South Wales, UK
   This Siti (which is Egyptian for lady). She is Sphynx breed (that's an uncommon breed with no hair). My wife has always wanted a cat, but due to my asthma we have never been able to have pet with hair. So when i read an article on the net about Sphynx cats, I found we had a breeder practically on our doorstep. So I bought Siti for my wife's birthday.

    Siti is a lady cat. She likes to play fetch with balls and paper, and enjoys a bath with warm water and bubbles. she likes to hunt in the house usually crawling so low she looks like she is gliding across the floor.l She loves to fight dad and love Mum - as I am her prey normally, and my wife her comfort. she is her own boss and will decide to sleep in our bed by announcing herself with a bounding leap onto my head. In the mornings she won't move from the middle of our bed until my wife gets up. We don't let her go out unless accompanied as she has no fur to protect her from the cold.

    Siti is like a child not a cat. She has a bath once a week and loves it, she wears t-shirts and coats when it is cold, she sleeps with us and sleeps with her head on the pillow between my wife and me.

    My favorite pastime is when we play hunter and hunted. She decides when its time to play, and it is usually when you least expect it, reading the paper or just watching TV. Then after a spell of gentle biting of my neck and wrists she's off running up and down the hall a lightning speeds. Then its a time for sitting on my shoulder and lots of kissing and cuddles.

    We have had her a year now but it feels like she has always been with us As far as care of her goes, its so easy, no fur balls, a trim of her claws is essential due to the shoulder riding as she climbs up from anywhere. We do feed her food for sensitive cats as all cat owners know what goes in has to come out!

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