Name: |
Age: |
Thirteen years old
Gender: |
Kind: |
Home: |
Belmont, California, USA |
is Kali, also called Girl, Kali Girl, Big Girl, Sweet Girl, Her
Royal Wideness, The Black Bellowing Beast of Belmont, and Someone (as
in, "Someone's gotten into the whipped cream..."). I got her as a
little black kitten with a white spot on her chest from the Humane
Society along with her sister (who's now living with my parents), but,
as they grew up, they started showing signs of partial Oriental ancestry
(Siamese? Tonkinese?). Kali has the classic Siamese voice and
personality, while her sister got more of the Siamese looks (except for
being all black too). Kali is the loudest, most opinionated, and most
conversational cat I've ever known, and, at about 19 pounds, is the
biggest female cat I've ever met. I carry on conversations with her
regularly, and she has the most amazing vocabulary of noises I've heard
from any cat that express her various moods and opinions. She clearly
thinks she's a human, not a cat; when we have friends over sitting
around the dining table, I have to put out an extra chair for her
because she usually wants to sit at the table with everyone else! She
loves nothing more than to sit on my lap for hours (even more than
eating, which she is also obsessed with, which is why she has a weight
problem), and, if there isn't a lap available, she'll often try to be in
the middle of whatever I'm doing (if she's not asleep, that is - she has
been getting lazier as she gets older). She has been the most
interesting, affectionate, and lovable (not to mention noisy!) cat I've
ever known!