Cat of the Day

April 13, 2007

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Coconut, the Cat of the Day
Name: Coconut
Age: Two years old
Gender: Female
Kind: Cat
Home: Jerome, Pennsylvania, USA
   This is our girl Coconut. I like to call her Coco Mojo. She looks like and is a very sweet kitty but she also has a very inquisitive side that sometimes gets her in trouble.

    My husband and I thought that our older cat, Cally, would like a playmate so we went to one of the local pet stores to see what we could find. Being that my husband chose our first cat and made a great choice with Cally I wanted him to make this decision also. There were several very young kittens at the store but when Coconut brushed herself up against the cage purring as loud as possible, we know she was the one for us.

    We were told she was twelve weeks old at the time but she looked a bit older to us which we found was true at her first visit to the vet. He estimated she was about fifteen weeks old. The best meow Coconut can get out is a squeak. She purrs louder than her squeak which is fine because Cally is vocal enough for both of them. Coco has a mild case of asthma which doesn't yet need treat.

    She's not big on being held but she wakes me early every morning so she can curl up and be petted in her basket that I keep by our bed.

    She and Cally like to pretend they don't want anything to do with one another but they are buddies. They play chase and search for each other if one is hiding. Coconut's my little sweetie.

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