Cat of the Day

August 1, 2007

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Racer, the Cat of the Day
Name: Racer
Age: Three years old
Gender: Female
Kind: American Shorthair
Home: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
   What makes Racer special? She is the most loving, sweet-natured cat I've ever had. She got her name because she was rescued as a kitten from the local racetrack - no place for a kitty to grow up, that's for sure!

    Racer loves to climb under the covers in bed and sleep curled up with me, she's so sweet. Since she is polydactyl - see her feet in the photo for what that means - she uses her extra toes just like thumbs and can open any cupboard, fridge, door ... whatever. Nothing is out of her reach or ability to get at with those clever paws!

    Most people say cats are not one-person pets, but Racer is! I am hers and she is mine, and we are happy that way!

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