Cat of the Day

August 2, 2007

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Bacardi, the Cat of the Day
Name: Bacardi
Age: Seven months old
Gender: Male
Kind: Persian
Home: Naples, Florida, USA
   Precious Kittens Bacardi Silver of Naples is absolutely the sweetest kitten alive. He's a seven month old Silver Tabby Traditional Persian. He waits by the door for me to come home from work, keeps my feet warm at night and purrs like an engine. Most of all, he makes me laugh.

    Bacardi loves to play fetch just like a dog. He will bring back his favorite furry toys over and over again for you to throw. He loves to snuggle and cuddle, loves his bath ... but is not to crazy about the dryer. Every evening, during our T.V. time, he crawls in my lap for his "comb out," then falls asleep. However, he is quite the terror to the other three cats in the house. He's such a little devil during playtime and torments them to no end. Mommy has him spoiled rotten and he gets to jump up on a special counter for his dinner. Actually, he gets most anything he wants. We go outside in the evenings for walks. He snuggles in my arms and off we go, looking at lights and funny dogs barking. Bacardi has no fear. Silly Kitty. He loves to run toward loud noises and I'm certain he is my knight in shining armor.

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