Cat of the Day

August 4, 2007

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Kipper, the Cat of the Day
Name: Kipper
Age: Seven years old
Gender: Male
Kind: Tabby
Home: West Cork, Ireland
   This is Kipper. He is a tabby, who lives by the sea in West Cork, Ireland. Seven years ago there was a great storm from the Atlantic blowing across West Cork. My wife and I were sitting down to dinner. We had no pets at the time. My wife heard a high-pitched squeaking coming from outside. She went out into the storm and returned holding a little scrap of muddy wet fur. She ran it under the tap and a little kitten emerged.

    The kitten grew up to become this fine, handsome tabby, whose name is Kipper. We have no rats or mice now! He is an expert tree climber.

    Kipper is an affectionate cat who loves his life here in the country. Kipper was our first, and very special, cat. He now has nine other feline companions living here with him, all of whom have been rescued. As you can see, Kipper loves to be photographed, and will pose at any opportunity.

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