Cat of the Day

August 5, 2007

Today's Cat
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Jessie, the Cat of the Day
Name: Jessie
Age: Four years old
Gender: Male
Kind: Tabby
Home: Kingston, New York, USA
   This is my boy Jessie. I have been feeding feral cats for years and one night in a rainstorm I went out and saw this little kitten. I fed him and then he was gone. He showed up every evening for three rainy nights in a row and then on the third night I opened the door to go out and feed him and he ran in the house. He was very wet and ran through my house - much to the displeasure of my inside cats. I tried to find a home for him but I was unsuccessful - sort of, as here is still is!

    I have had cats all my life, but they were all females. Jessie turned out to be a stray with a huge personality and a determination to win me over. He made himself right at home and decided he was not going to sit outside in a rainstorm again. He brightens every day with his chattering and talking and he loves to be brushed. He has become quite a Mommy's boy and I am so glad I never found anyone to take him because he is one in a million.

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