Cat of the Day

August 6, 2007

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Dapper, the Cat of the Day
Name: Dapper
Age: Six years old
Gender: Male
Kind: Orange Tabby
Home: Beaverton, Oregon, USA
   This is Dapper, sometimes called DP for short. I obtained him through my daughter. He belonged to a friend of hers who thought he was actually a she. So DP's original name was Daphne. This got changed right away! I now have four cats, but Dapper was my first in a few years. Here he is on a cool October day, napping on the warmth of the computer monitor.

    I am diabetic and Dapper has been my savior on several occasions when blood sugar would drop after going to bed. He senses it dropping and will poke and prod my face with his claw tips until I get up. He is perhaps the most vocal of my cats and will let me know when things need to get done for him and the other three. He likes lots of attention and play. Dapper gets along well with the other cats but avoids my cockatoo with a passion.

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