Cat of the Day

August 7, 2007

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Chloe, the Cat of the Day
Name: Chloe
Age: Eight years old
Gender: Female
Kind: Long Hair Calico
Home: Woodview, Pennsylvania, USA
   You are looking at the glamorous and beautiful Chloe. Her royal title is Princess Pork Chop of Woodview. She has many aliases: Chloe Bell, Chlo Chlo, Girly Girl, Chloe E.Q, and Sissy (just to name a few)!

    Can you believe this beautiful cat was abandoned at the SPCA??!! They literally could not tell us anything about her background. We didn't care, we wanted her! We had just buried our very very beloved Roscoe the day before we got our new babies. I didn't think I could let myself love a new cat so soon, but it turned out to be the right decision. I had Roscoe literally from birth (which I assisted at!!) and he grew up with me, went to college, moved a few times and settled in a most spoiled life until the age of 16 1/2 when he succumbed to cancer. He was sick for just a brief time but it was so hard. I was in such grief but was also at peace because Roscoe was so ill in the end. My husband (the former cat hater)! insisted that we look because he knows our house (and his wife) needed a cat. Well, we ended up getting his and her cats! Harley was ten weeks at the time and just a wild kitten. On the other hand, I fell in love with Chloe when she looked at me, softly meowed and put her paw out for me. It was all good until we got home and let the two of them loose. It was obvious that Chloe was not used to other cats. Unbeknownst to us, she was also a very sick little girl. We took her to the vet for her initial checkup and they took her temp (107 degrees)! and whisked her away to start intravenous treatment. The vet said she would have died the very next day. I really believe that divine intervention was at hand and that Roscoe died when he did so that Chloe could be saved.

    The first few months were hard on everyone. Chloe was scared and shy. She had a baby brother that loved to ride her like a jockey. She hated to be held. With lots of love and patience, however, her true personality came out. She is so comfortable now and demands love and pets with her insistent meows (always at 4 AM on the dot) She sleeps wrapped around our heads. She is no longer the very scared girl she first was when we got her. She, in fact, rules the house! Every morning I wake up, she had 3/4 of my pillow and my head is hanging off! She has her paws in the air, purring away and catching the breeze from the fan. spoiled little girl cat is what my husband calls her! She loves when I whistle, this makes her do a stop and flop where she plops over and lays on her back with her paws in the air. It is the funniest thing! She also says "thanks for hanging in with me" when she gazes in our eyes, purring loudly and meowing. And this girl cat will do almost anything for a treat. She even trained us so that we have treats in our master bathroom. In the morning while getting ready for work, she always stands on the scale (typical girl) and whines for them!

    Chloe loves her toy box. I am sure she never had catnip toys before we adopted her. She goes crazy with them, although she is not at all graceful!

    Chloe is special to us because she did fill a hole left by Roscoe. She has become so much more than that now and we think of her as our special furbaby. We love her!

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