Cat of the Day

August 8, 2007

Today's Cat
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Zack, the Cat of the Day
Name: Zack
Age: Three years old
Gender: Male
Kind: Tabby
Home: Dallas, Texas, USA
   My name is Zack, and I'm in charge of this house. My mom adopted me when I was nine weeks old so my sister Zoe would have a playmate. Ever since then I've been calling all the shots around here.

    My parents are always bragging about me because I'm so smart. I like to play with Zoe (until she runs under the bed and hides from me), and I also like to play with my mom. I am an equal-opportunity playmate. At night, when I get tired of playing, I turn into a big snuggler. Sometimes I get a very special treat called catnip, which I like a lot. My dislikes are the vacuum cleaner, being made to get off the kitchen table, and being alone.

    Oh, and one more thing - everyone says I'm a very handsome boy!

    In this picture Zack was on top of the microwave to get away of the vacuum cleaner. In his spare time, he likes to carry his toys around the house, and we are convinced that he arranges them sometimes to form shapes such as pyramids, circles or straight lines. We call them his art installations. He is smart because he figures out ways to get what he wants. He is especially good at tricking his sister, Zoe, into vacating the top level of the cat tower. He will pretend he has found something, and when she goes to see, he gets the top perch. Sometimes when I'm brushing Zoe, he gets jealous of the attention she's getting and will get under the bed and make noises, which causes her to go check it out. He cries when he finds himself alone. He loves his family very much, and we love him!

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