Cat of the Day

August 12, 2007

Today's Cat
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Charles, the Cat of the Day
Name: Charles
Age: Three years old
Gender: Male
Kind: Domestic Short Hair
Home: Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
   This is Charles. He is a very special kitty. We got him from the vet that I was working at because he lived there for two months and I just couldn't take it any more and I had to take him and give him a good home with us. He has FIV and he has had a lot of problems but he is just fat and sassy and healthy as ever now! He is always into absolutely everything. He gets into any little hole he can fit into and sometimes sneaks into drawers and cabinets and then gets shut into them so we have to be careful before shutting things closed around here! "Check for the cat!" is the constant thought running through our heads. He paws at the door until he gets out usually. He is so hilarious. He is very loveable and sweet. He is very protective of his home here so he does not allow others into it and if they even come on the porch he makes the most awful noises at them until they leave! He is the king of this house! He appreciates the loving home he has and isn't going to let anyone take it away from him! We love him very much!

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