Cat of the Day

August 13, 2007

Today's Cat
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Jack, the Cat of the Day
Name: Jack
Age: Eighteen months old
Gender: Male
Kind: Domestic Short Hair
Home: Sydney, Australia
   This beautiful boy is Jack; affectionately called Big Jack. We adopted Big Jack from the RSPCA in December 2005. He was so tiny then. We had no idea he was going to grow up so big and strong. He now weighs in at a health 9kg and he's still just a baby (in our eyes, anyway).

    Jack is so shy during the day, simply content to just brush up next to your legs as you're walking by. But at night, he becomes the biggest sook! He'll curl up on the lounge and nuzzle right up next to you and slowly crawl onto your lap and purr louder than any car engine. Six months ago, we got Jack a younger brother, a male tabby called Max. He's just a little boy, so small compared to Big Jack. After a couple of days of "getting to know" each other, we came home to find Baby Max snuggled into Big Jack sound asleep. They are so cute together, like Arnie and Danny DeVito in TWINS.

   I couldn't imagine life without Big Jack.

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