Cat of the Day

August 15, 2007

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Tasha, the Cat of the Day
Name: Tasha
Age: Nine years old
Gender: Female
Kind: Tortoiseshell
Home: Sarasota, Florida, USA
   This is our cat Tasha. She is without a doubt the best cat ever! She got her name from my Mom because she had a Tortoiseshell cat named Tasha when she was growing up. As you can see one of her ears is folded over, and that's because she had a blood vessel that popped, and she had to have surgery on it. But we think it makes her look even more beautiful and unique!

    Tasha is very affectionate, and loves attention. Most of the other cats we have hide when someone new comes in the door, but not Tasha, she is there to meet and greet everyone who walks in the door. She is even very friendly with our two dogs, a Collie and a Great Dane, and sometimes plays with them. But if they go too far, she knows how to straighten them up!

    Although Tasha is nine years old, she is still a kitten at heart. She still chases your feet under the covers, and enjoys it very much! And if you have food, and she is nearby on a counter or table, she will reach out her paw as if to say "excuse me". The only bad habit she has is she loves, loves, loves, to chew on ribbon. So if you bring balloons into the house, believe me, she notices! And before you know it, those balloons are on the ceiling. But we still love her!

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