Cat of the Day

August 17, 2007

Today's Cat
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Magic, the Cat of the Day
Name: Magic
Age: One and a half years old
Gender: Male
Kind: Cat
Home: Meadville, Mississippi, USA
   Introducing "Black Magic." Our family was not a cat family, but my husband had this kitten coming around his office, whining. He had me buy cat food so he could feed it. He soon began to look forward to the cat coming by for food and even disrupted a very important meeting to "go feed his cat."

    One day when I came home, and there my husband sat with "Magic" in his lap. From that day on we have had this sweet cat living with us. He responds to you like a dog and loves our grandchildren. His favorite place is on my desk between my keyboard and my monitor. Now we officially are a cat family!

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