Cat of the Day

August 20, 2007

Today's Cat
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Lily, the Cat of the Day
Name: Lily
Age: Six years old
Gender: Female
Kind: Calico mix
Home: Visalia, California, USA
   Lily (Lily Beans, Miss Lil') is a sweet, loveable cat who came to live with us four years ago after capturing my heart at the local animal shelter. I first noticed her because of her unusual peach and gray face, and her beautiful aquamarine eyes. When I put my fingers through the slats of her cage, she immediately nuzzled me and greeted me with a loud "purr." At that moment, our fate was sealed and she became a member of our family.

    Lily is the friendliest cat I know, and introduces herself to visitors by rolling over on her back, begging for a tummy rub. When I return home from work, she joyfully welcomes me by running to the front door, chirping and trilling until I pick her up and give her a hug.

    Whether I'm gardening, working on my computer, or cooking dinner, Lily must sit within inches of me and oversee my activity. She loves to sleep on the foot of our bed, and each morning I open my eyes to see her staring intently into my face, waiting for the first indication that I'm awake. She then bounds into the kitchen, reminding me the whole way that it's time to let her outside so she can begin her daily exploration of the wonders the garden.

    Because of her rotund shape, my husband calls her Lily the Load or the Sausage Cat, but to me she is my faithful kitty companion who brings me joy each day!

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