Cat of the Day

August 21, 2007

Today's Cat
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Lenny, the Cat of the Day
Name: Lenny
Age: Six years old
Gender: Male
Kind: Cat
Home: North Catasauqua, Pennsylvania, USA
   This is Lenny - his personality is lazy, or you might just say he's very laid back. Although he looks large and lion-like, he is more like the cowardly lion - not a fierce bone in his body. He is smart though, and does know a few tricks. He knows sit, lay down, shake, and play dead. For a cat, it's pretty weird. He doesn't really like any games... He's more independent type when it comes to games. He loves being petted and he loves when people come to him to be able to pet him. I mean, that is the reason visitors come to our house, right? He's the most affectionate cat I know. He also loves when you read to him, just like a child.

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