Cat of the Day

August 22, 2007

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Tigga, the Cat of the Day
Name: Tigga
Age: Nine years old
Gender: Female
Kind: Cat
Home: Racica, Slovenia
   My cat is Tigga. She is about nine years old, no breed as far as I know and currently lives in Racica, Slovenia. I took Tigga in when a friend of mine could no longer look after her. It was meant to be a temporary arrangement, but I fell in love with her and couldn't part with her. She started life in Manchester, UK and about a year ago she had her first plane trip as we moved to Slovenia. She has also been on holiday in Croatia and played on the beach even though it was on a leash which she hated!

    She is a very independent cat who spends most days playing in the fields bringing me mice and birds that she has caught. She has recently taken a liking to the neighbors' house where she goes playing and then ends up being stuck on their roof! I have had to go on numerous rescue missions!!

    Tig has been with me through various up and downs over the years and I can't imagine having a more loyal and cuddly companion.

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