Cat of the Day

August 23, 2007

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Xena, the Cat of the Day
Name: Xena
Age: Six years old
Gender: Female
Kind: Domestic shorthair
Home: Nevada, USA
   I've had my Xena since she was fourteen weeks old. I adopted her from a rescue group along with her brother (who now resides with my old roommate). Xena got her name because although she is very small and delicate, she isn't afraid of any other cat (or dog!) and rushes in to let them know she is the boss in any situation. So, the name Xena (warrior princess) seemed appropriate!

    Xena has very thin, soft fur that barely sheds and a very delicately built frame. She also has a triangular shaped head and very large ears. We suspect that she is mixed with something which would explain her unusual features but aren't quite sure what - Siamese? A rex? At any rate, she is a beautiful cat.

    Xena is a very loving cat, as long as it is on her terms. She loves to get attention and will often do a forward or sideways somersault onto her back to show us her tummy, as you can see in the photo. She will do the roll over, get petted, then stand up and do another somersault roll over, demanding more attention, over and over. It's too funny.

   I love my Xena very much!

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