Cat of the Day

August 24, 2007

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Potter, the Cat of the Day
Name: Potter
Age: Three years old
Gender: Male
Kind: American Bobtail
Home: Columbus, Georgia, USA
   Potter is a very special cat. I recently got married and was stressed out because I was worried that he would not adapt to his new home very well. At his new home, Potter has his own bedroom and office, and I have never seen a happier cat. He lays on his bed most of the day on top of a black sweatshirt that I left on the bed one day ... ever since, he sleeps on it every night.

    Potter has several windows that he loves to sit at during the day and watch birds and squirrels and other cats. He greets my husband and I in the morning with meows and he flops on the floor waiting for us to rub his belly. I can always tell when he needs something because he will meow really loudly and jump on top of the tv to let me know I better not ignore him. When I leave for work in the morning, he watches me out of the window and stands up with his paws scratching the window as if to tell me good bye. He is my best friend and is always up to chasing his favorite toy, which is a fishing pole toy with ribbons on the end.

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