Cat of the Day

August 26, 2007

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Chico, the Cat of the Day
Name: Chico
Age: Nine months old
Gender: Male
Kind: Bobtail mix
Home: Fort Pierce, Florida, USA
   My cat is named Chico. I am not sure of his breed, all I know is I have never encountered another like him. (Meaning personality, not looks). Though his looks are unique in a way - his tail is only about 2 inches long - that's just how it is! I rescued him from the woods close to where I live in Fort Pierce, Florida. He is truly an amazing cat. He was only about a month old when I found him, now he is about eight months old maybe nine.

    When I found him I was going through some very tough times and he comforted me by his purring and his always wanting to be with me. I don't know what I would have done without him. He follows me where ever I go and meows back to me when I talk to him. He loves to sleep by me in the bed or relax on my back or by my head when I am watching tv or just relaxing. When I leave to go to work he jumps in the window and meows for me to give him his kiss and hug, and when I come back from work he is waiting there for me. He is like a baby. We can't stand to be apart from each other. If I don't let him in the room I am in, he meows at the door until I do. LIke I said, I don't know what I would do if anything ever would happen to him - everybody that meets him falls in love as well. So that is the short run down of my baby - hopefully you know where I am coming from, since you are fellow cat lovers, you should.

Chico, the Cat of the Day

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