Cat of the Day

August 27, 2007

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Tayo, the Cat of the Day
Name: Tayo
Age: Fourteen years old
Gender: Male
Kind: Birman
Home: Bedfordview, South Africa
   My name is Erica, and I am the adopted Mom of Tayo Turner, a Birman (Sacred Temple Cat) who came to us as an older cat of eight years when his parents emigrated to Portugal. That was six or seven years ago now. This is a recent photo of the boy, my pride and joy. I had wanted a Burmese, sleek and brown, but between Burmese and Birman and confusion, he came to us. We were smitten when we saw him. It was love at first sight.

    He was a devoted companion animal to my late mother until December 2006 when she passed away. He then travelled to Durban with me by air for a holiday (his first time at the sea), and I had him shaved there because of the intense heat and humidity. He loved his new skin. But now back in Bedfordview the winter is here and he is once again big and fluffy and adorable.

    Now during his busy day while I am away at work, he sleeps on the hot bricks around the pool or lazes in the flower-beds, or he goes visiting all and sundry in the complex we live in, spreading his own particular brand of joy and sunshine! The lady battling cancer at No 6 takes such pleasure in his visits and especially when he sleeps on her balcony in the sun or basks on her bed. The elderly resident in No. 11 is equally pleased when he comes calling. The young lady at No. 9 loves to groom him and admires him secretly. Though not a cuddle-cat, he can be a lap-cat and he sleeps on my feet at night! Is that odd or what? I wish his former mother in Portugal could see him now. She was so sad when she had to leave him behind. Her loss was definitely my gain.

    For me, Tayo is the Cat of the Day every day. I am so blessed that he came into my life.

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