Cat of the Day

August 29, 2007

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Izzie, the Cat of the Day
Name: Izzie
Age: Six months old
Gender: Female
Kind: Ragdoll
Home: Fresno, California, USA
   My Izzie Girl is a Ragdoll and so very smart and loving. She is special because she is toilet trained, so we have no litter box to clean - which we all prefer, Izzie included!

    Izzie is smart, very affectionate and my little shadow. She fetches, but is also little thief. We have to look for our socks all the time - they are her favorite "treasure" to abscond with. Izzie is funny in that she hardy ever meows, but does a lot of chirping, chatting to us when she has something to say. She even likes to travel with us, doesn't mind the car at all. She is a very laid back kitten. She is a Bi-color Ragdoll, and was five months old in this photo.

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